
刚才在看tlf的电影列表的时候突然看到01年的我的野蛮女友. 然后我就想起了我那时候买的正版的我的野蛮女友的vcd. 十来年了, 每次回家我还是会把它拿出来, 喀的一声打开盒子, 拿出光盘吹一下浮尘, 按一下vcd机器的开仓按钮, 看着碟仓吱~~~喀的打开, 放进碟片, 关上. 然后听光头在里面寻道的哧哧的声音, 接着电视上出现牵牛一脸无奈的表情. 可是现在, 只剩一下click



真的不在乎的话就不会把”我不在乎”挂在嘴边. 挂在嘴边的原因是自己还是在乎, 只不过想要催眠自己不在乎



弥勒佛是我见到的看起来最开心的宗教人物了. 过去我总觉得他是因为开心而开怀大笑, 现在我悟到, 他的笑不是开心的笑, 而是嘲笑, 嘲笑人世间有太多荒唐, 有太多人看不清. 一笑而过是一种境界.


心放宽, 眼放远



每天的零点都会机械的重复的执行着加一的操作. 它活得是那么的精确和麻木, 从来不会去关心set time out里面究竟都包含了些什么函数.



两年了, 我依然会在梦中惊醒.

那些让我无所适从的日子, 我以为他们早就已经从我的生命中远去, 那些不堪, 那些无数遍内心的责问, 我以为它们已经成为老去之后回忆年少轻狂的轻叹. 但是我错了. 他们虽然从来不开口, 但是他们一刻也没有停止冷笑.



教训, 从长计议, 黑白照片, 冲动, 操, 兄弟, 算了, 大不了, 二手, 计较, 宽容, 翻篇, 冷眼, 隐忍, 饶不了,包子, 大局为重, 做派, 远离, 放过, 烂, 哈哈, 切, 服了, 做事, 怒火, 十年, 成长, 别人, 意识, 鸡巴, 水



“多幸福的一家”, “儿子女儿都在国外, 以前挺自豪的, 老了就后悔了”, “想开了”, “我孙女是混血儿, 可好看了”, “嗨, 小盒才是永远的家”



以前看文章写这几个字总觉得非常装逼, 真写给自己就别发出去啊. 现在我知道, 写这几个字确实是非常装逼.


Being Stupid

“Why are you guys happy all the time” “Because we are very very…stupid”




最近和咆哮哥一起工作. 同时还有一起的是一个芝加哥来的62岁的Keith. 咆哮哥每天就像一个烧开了的茶壶, 拍着桌子说我要这个,不要这个. Keith头天很努力的做了一个很大的数据库规划的图, 会上刚要拿出来, 咆哮哥一拍桌子, I don’t like it! Keith只好无奈的耸耸肩,well…
Keith是一个非常慈祥的美国胖老头, 笑起来就让你感觉是一个完美的慈爱的爷爷形象, 说话做事不紧不慢, 爱和你随便聊聊. 上周在开完一个很长的会之后,我们随便聊了聊爷孙话题. 他说你应该在这个时候多陪陪你的父母, 多录下他们的声音, 你知道什么最能唤起记忆吗, 一个人的声音和闻起来的味道. 我不知道我应该把这个感慨加到谁的头上. 越是想表达什么, 越是不知道怎样说, 或者说语言没有办法表达,越是尝试去说什么就越感觉离自己想的意思越远.
所以我觉得我自己开始变得越来越像咆哮哥. 我就简单的认为这样是正确的, 这么浅显的道理不用我解释了吧, 你们怎么就不按照我说的做呢.
我最近经常在自己想事情的逻辑中迷失, 本来在想一件事, 结果对别的事做了决定. 写到这里我也发现了这个问题, 本来是听歌听感慨了要写点什么,然后我就想起了咆哮哥和Keith和我生活中某些事很像, 然后就想起了Keith这个慈祥的老头和我聊天, 然后想起了他说的让我很感慨的话. 这应该就叫做唠叨吧, 你看我又想起了云南的唠叨坊.
把刚来时候买的一件衣服退掉了, 没有理由.

– Do you drive?
– No, I don’t.

我像一只做错事的鸵鸟, 把自己的头埋在土里, 其实我的大屁股早就走光了.

– Can anyone be both hot and cool?
– At leaset she can.

Women, a species makes me want to commit a suicide

– Why people wears watch?
– because they don’t use laptops.


– I hate blog
– that’s why I post blog as posting to twitter.


test post to see if live space is blocked or not.

if yes, wow, cool! all main parts of 6znet.com is disabled by some wall. good for you, long life you, fuck you!

Those days I was trying to wrap the css within the JSML bundle, and I wonder, IE, how could this loser be on the top of the browser market, it definitely make none sense….damn!

Put the css inside the json is easy, first, I tried to encode the <style>bla bla….</style> into the jsml. when the template is fetched from server, just decode jsml into HTML Dom element, and append <head>’s child. apparently, it works perfectly in FF,webkit and opera. but not in IE. when I tried to decode the jsml into DOM in IE, I just got nothing.

ok, work around, I created a “style” element put it inside the head and set it’s innerHTML with css string decoded from JSML, little silly, but apparently, it should work, right? well, for any other browser but IE,yes. some wired, stupid none sense error occurred, it just don’t tell you why,”unknown runtime error”….looks like someone hacked into its ugly kernel or something. WTF!

then I googled this, and found : for IE, it has its own css managing api, even you did it right, it has some limitation about the record num, no more than 30 pieces (more or less). so the solution for this is : create only one <style> and edit the content of it…despite of the errors I met, every time you update it, there must be a whole page reflow and rerender which will lower the performance a lot.

Finally, I have to give up, I decide to include css in header at the beginning.

Die IE, die!

Since this post would be written in En, I think it would hardly have any reader. on the other hand, most of my readers have no interest in coding, so , this language issue seems to make some sense.

recently, I’m doing the 6znet refactoring. Inspired by my every day job in hand, and some concept from General interface, finally, I got some direction and stared to do the refactoring which is planed long time ago.

currently, codes in the 6znet is all in a mess, up to the time I did it, I just focused on the interaction and appearance, also I was not so experienced in javascript, so the ugly code is running under a nice suite, lol….

now I realize the importance of the structure, and start the coding layer by layer, from the bottom to the to the top.

the most bottom level of it is mootools, “don’t reinvent the wheel”, I think it’s wasting time to write a framework of its own. And the reason why I didn’t pick Jquery is : it looks more like a quick tool but a structure builder. and mootools is good at this part, although it has some name space complaint. I’m treating this site as a application then a web page, cos it always is and still going to be.

upper a little is the customized classes and utility packages. some of them is the functionality enhancement, some of them is GUI constructor packages. there are 5 very important parts :

1.the request manager
this request manager is controller of all the outgoing request, all outgoing should use this manager. it can control the num of requsts at the same time, sort the requests by priority, cache the callback with out-of-date time setting, max requesting setting…more feature still coming

when I start this project, I was thinking how to implement the data and UI template together. At first, I just want to have a area of saving all the templates in some div in the page which is hidden. disadvantage is obvious, you can not save all the templates in one page, the num of UI component is unpredictable, save all of them in one page is hell for further maintenance.
then I thought, maybe it’s ok to get the templates(html slice) by XHR, but the problem is we have to treat  the well formated html as a string instead of a DOM element, and if we use “innerHTML” to have it place into the dom tree, there is some weird problem in IE(can not get the element inserted by innerHTML), even this was fine, but how should we put the dom and behavior code together? preload in page? the same issue as the first solution. get from XHR? js mixed together with HTML? hell…….
then I thought, it’s a good idea to translate the HTML to some kind of json, and everything from the XHR would be in JS, this solution also made the cross domain request possible, everything seems perfect but the question is , HOW?
Ding! I found JSML. it gave a total solution, translate the HTML to the JSON, back and forth. A template data binding solution, BST (browser side template. this is some kind of similar with GI, in GI, all the data is saved in the format of XML).
I love this way of dealing with DOM, data and behavior. And I have wrapped the them in the template utility package. also, it’s taking the advantage of the request manager’s cache mechanism.

it’s extremely handy when you are making different modules working together. especially when you are dealing with some unsynchronized functions. but the ugly part is when you are doing the unsubscription. In the project of my daily work, we also met with this one, I gave a solution injecting some property bundles in the object doing the subscribing, but it’s not so good, cos it’s kind of hack, I’m now trying to avoid doing this in the same way.

4.the logger
thank God we have firebug, but IE don’t have one, damn! so the logger is totally for IE, to monitoring the status while debugging in IE. Logger is good thing, we can almost replace all the inline comments with the logger in the design time.

5.bind method with Dom elements
I wish I was not that Mars when I realize it.

well, that’s all I want to record, if you are reading word by word all the way down here, good for you, have a chocolate(refer to big bang theory S03E03).

one more thing : I created a project in google code, although most of the codes in the svn is POC, welcome reviewing and giving feed back, I’ll keep updating as often as I can.

Again, good for you.




使用pagebus的方法很简单,app初始化的时候记得subscribe特定的subject. 需要通知别人的时候,记得publish事件出去.就这么简单.



PageBus.subscribe(“example.someEvent”,window,alert); //当有人publish ”example.someEvent”的时候,就会用window这个scope下的alert方法来处理.

PageBus.publish(“example.someEvent”,{a:1,b:2}); //在这里触发了这个事件,alert会跳出来叫唤一声"[object]",这里的[object]就是{a:1.b:2}.








一来因为据说比较严格,二来有同事被关进小黑屋的经验,所以抵达之后的落地签是让我们有点紧张的. 好在我的签证官很nice,随便问了几个问题,就放过我啦,而且还挤出一句中文"没问题!",啊哈.





安顿好之后,就去了Grand Mall,一个购物中心.先吃了午饭,我们几个人正尴尬的磕巴磕巴说吃什么,服务员"中文ok的" – -||| 一荤两素4.99刀,外加1.99刀的米饭…我吃过的最贵的米饭了,5555


晚上送Harry去旅馆,小地方让我们一通好找啊.虽然是很小的一个,差不多就是个motel吧,但是它的精致程度和lobby办check in的美国大爷的敬业程度真的让我惊讶.

到lobby之后,得知我们预定的房间,然后拿出表来,说填这里这里和这里,然后说,为了XXX,我们服务条款在这里XXX,请你知晓后在这里签名.如果你需要无线网络,你需要在这里打钩,价格是4.99刀.不用着急,这个你弄完再决定也ok.然后你要在这里确认XXX,需要XXX….说完也快半小时了.然后大爷又打开了话匣子,我们周边的情况是这样的bla bla bla, 为了你的安全,bla bla bla,你可以这样方便的来到我们这里,bla bla bla,如果你想让别人联系你,建议你不要告诉别人你的门牌号,告诉他你的分机就好,这里是名片,你写上分机 bla bla blla

ok? Am I understood? ya ya ya, thank you very much!






相对于年初的很多不如意,我现在的状况感觉颇有一些又一村,又一村,又一村啊又一村的感觉.离开了腻歪了3年的VIA,离开了保姆似的环境,finally, I am in the wild,同时,我也找到了一个更高的天空和一个更规范化的翅膀.这一村,我喜欢.

奥巴马一直在说:change.对我来说,四月份的主题就是change,change的让我自己都觉得惊讶,这还是我吗? 过去的一些变化顶多能算打了些补丁,四月份的变化就是整个版本的更新,从1.0到2.0了. 过去的生活总是让我感觉有些昏头,有些没怎么好,也不怎么差,天天那样,以后也不会咋样的感觉,总是在找一些小快乐和小满足. 这次,每天对着av yy’的宅男终于有机会体验床上运动的快感了, 尼欧终于来到真实世界了, 圣诞老人终于能在火炉前面等别人送礼物了,是的,和过去不同了,但是这种不同让我感觉,还挺j8爽的. 和过去的小海皮不大一样,现在的大海皮是需要经过挺大的努力才能达成,比如装修.

都说装修掉层皮啊,我觉得群众的智慧是雪亮的,群众的眼睛是无穷的. 过去我都没怎么逛过北京的,在这里待了几年,全是在玩初中几何:两点一线.这会我是玩了回高等数学了.从南边到北边,从郊区到郊区的郊区再到郊区的城区,为了这装修,我脚底绝对掉层皮了. 好在我们家海天现在专职盯装修,省了我好多皮了,老婆,啵一个. 尽管是专职盯了,可是人家昨天晚上还是被几个装修小问题给折磨的坐地上哇哇的哭了一会,你说这要是我们俩都天天上班还得忙和这事,不得每天都得抱头痛哭,两把鼻涕两把泪啊.






对了对了,我终于拍到了一张我自己满意的证件照,你说过去怎么都没拍到呢?这是为什么呢?(一股小沈阳味…).还有,google gear我太爱你了,在没有网络的地方看reader,感觉比杂志强多了